Experiences With Radicalization
All around the United States, people are very proud to show their affiliation with particular politicians. This can be polarizing and dividing especially during the election time both before and after. Donald Trump has made the Republican Party one way, and the leftists do not see eye to eye with it whatsoever. Experiences are documented in this article with clashes directly between left and right here in this youtube video. Here are stories of people living in reality with stories of their own witnessing these people regularly showing how extreme these people are towards others whether it was at the polls or on the streets. Even social media has played a big part in further dividing people as you'll read below.
Living in North Carolina, Beth knows a thing or two living about Trump supporters especially living in a swing state. Votes in fact are still being counted as we speak for this momentous election. I was able to contact her via a friend of a friend. She says that without even voting she had to stop being friends with a guy on Facebook.
“The thing that made me say no more was a grotesque comic portraying Biden as a pedophile/ He would label the snowflake Democrats as winey, weak babies.”
It went further than social media, however. She also expressed that “I had a few run-ins with non-mask wearing guys. I had no doubt they were Trumpers. They gave off a don’t fuck with me vibe and I stopped saying anything after reading about older people getting knocked down when they would question a non-mask wearer. Not that I’m old. The last time I asked a non-masker why did I have to wear a mask and he didn’t, I made sure I was in my car with it locked. I felt okay about it because I could tell the guy was surprised and all he said was embarrassing, ‘I don’t know,” what a dipshit. I felt pretty proud of myself.”
Delaney also went on to say “I have a ‘she was a friend’ heavy Christian who is screaming fraud. She drank the kool-aid a long time ago. Just four years ago when David [her husband] told her I was so depressed after the Trump win, she took me aside at a party and said, now you know how we felt when Obama won. She said it was God’s will.”
Elizabeth is a white woman who happens to be a Biden supporter living in the highly divided region of Yucaipa, California. As mentioned above in the article, people were not only dealing with this divide but also a wildfire caused by pyrotechnics threatening the town. She had this to say about her experiences living in this area.
“Well, we have people here who are quite proud to live in ‘Trump’ town. So while I don’t believe there was intimidation at the polls, every time you drive down Yucaipa Blvd [the main drag] there are big trucks with Trump flags. When I participated in a BLM March, there were trucks driving up and down past us yelling stuff. It was pretty bad. But I also see yard signs. We just have a crazy amount of rednecks.”
Hildebrand is a 19-year-old college student living in another very divided region of California, known as Ojai. The town is known to be “Half Hippy/Half Redneck” due to the amount of free-spirited people but also a healthy balance of ranches and farms in the air. She had this to say about her experiences.
“Honestly being in Ojai I was pretty sheltered from anything like that. I’ve had things happen in the past hour during this election there … with me being able to vote or vote for the candidate that I wanted to. I got shit from some people that were libertarian because they say faults in both candidates and urged me to vote the third party but I voted for Biden and I hope I won’t regret.”